About New Realisations

New Realisations RTT

Transform your life with Kristen

Meet Kristen

I’m Kristen, your RTT® Practitioner.
The truth is, RTT® found me.  


While I have always been a naturally positive person, I had no idea what an impact my thoughts, words and feelings had on my life until I started my journey to becoming a certified RTT® Hypnotist.

During my training, everything about me began to transform…my life, my relationships, my confidence, my self-worth, my entire world began evolving and changing in the most incredible ways.

I started to realise how my subconscious beliefs were influencing my behaviors, habits and choices. Finding out more about myself and learning about how incredible the mind is, showed me that we all have the potential within ourselves to feel good in life.

I now know, through my own experiences and working with people from around the world, that when we are ready to initiate change, true transformation can happen.

I continue to marvel at the way RTT® works. In each session, I get to witness my clients come to their own New Realisations and how helpful these realisations are to each of them individually. Watching them gain their own understandings and coming to know that they aren’t broken or unworthy of feeling good about themselves, is really what thrills me about working with this method.


I honestly believe that everyone deserves to feel good, to know that they are enough just as they are, to feel empowered in their own lives and to experience an ease from within. I now know that coming to these New Realisations makes this personal sense of enoughness and confidence possible.


I look forward to meeting you and showing you the wondrous, transformative ways of RTT® in order to give you the tools you need to live life as the best version of yourself and use that incredible mind of yours to discover ways to a life you love. Book a virtual coffee a.k.a. free Discovery Call with me and let’s get chatting about what is possible!

“Kristen has such a deep insight into the human mind and emotional realm.”

Jasmin P, Germany