Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some of the common questions about RTT®

Yes, really. And if you are a little hesitant to the idea of hypnosis, I get it. I was in the beginning, too. However, after learning about what hypnosis really is (something natural that happens to us daily, an altered, relaxed state of consciousness similar to meditation or daydreaming), I found it to be incredibly calming and enjoyable. In hypnosis, you are in control and your mind works for you by doing what it thinks you want it to do. There are some people who use hypnosis on stage for performance purposes, however, hypnotised participants generally have the ability to refuse a suggestion if they choose to (yes, on stage, too). Those on stage are in some way suggesting to their mind that they are willing to act like a chicken. Generally speaking, stage hypnosis suggestions are designed to elicit more physical/external responses from hypnotised volunteers, while hypnotherapy suggestions are intended to create a more psychological or internal response within the client to get a personal understanding and to make personal changes.
From my personal and professional experience, yes it does. That being said, this work requires dedication to one’s own self- development. The awareness that we gain in RTT® sessions is very powerful and helpful. Yet, the client is also responsible for what they do with that understanding and how they implement the changes in their lives. The most important part of this work is that the client (you) is ready to take the next step.
It’s great if you feel you know why it is that you are feeling something and we can absolutely discuss this in the intake call. Through my experience, however, it is often not at all the memories or events we believe have impacted us that are the root cause. The subconscious is incredible and gives us the information we need to know to understand ourselves and we generally tend to not know these things from a conscious standpoint. I would encourage an openness to letting the subconscious reveal what it needs to share first. We can, however, absolutely address the memories you believe to be the cause if that is something that you feel is important and work with what arises from there. There is also an option to not use the subconscious memories at all and focus on other aspects of the topic at hand if the client is too concerned about past events. We would be using the subconscious’ abilities in all situations.

Everyone can be hypnotised to a certain extent. People experience hypnosis in a variety of ways and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Keeping an open mind to what it will feel like for you helps to take the pressure off what it ‘should’ feel like. My task is to meet you where you’re at in the process and adjust my techniques to aid you in feeling relaxed in your session. If you feel like you’d prefer to practice being in hypnosis before your session to ensure you can, I can send you a recording that will allow you to ‘practice’ putting yourself into hypnosis. This is not necessary, yet it is certainly available should you feel you need or want it.

You’ll need to have a device (computer, laptop, tablet) that does not need to be held by you and is plugged in or fully charged, a good strong internet connection, a chair that you’ll be able to sit well in for 2 hours, tissues, good lighting, head/earphones (encouraged). You should also make sure you’ve had food and water prior to the session, have been to the toilet and have privacy for the duration of the session.

Each person experiences their changes uniquely. It can even vary from session to session on how the changes show up for you. Generally speaking, there are 3 types of ways we experience change: instant, gradual and retroactive. I would add though that with the implementation of cognitive behavioral therapy strategies (being aware of your thoughts and knowing the power behind them), changes can be implemented sooner.
It absolutely can and it’s wonderful! Yes, hypnosis works just as well online as it does in person (in fact, it’s especially nice because you get to be in the comfort of the space that you choose. Additionally, you don’t have to drive or take transportation after the session). Thanks to technology, we’ve been able to make this process even easier and more available to people all over the world by offering this online.
No, I cannot. The state of hypnosis used in the modality in which I work is the alpha brain wave state of hypnosis, that means you are able to speak, understand and make choices in this state. You cannot be made to do anything you don’t want to do in hypnosis. In hypnosis you retain the power over your own ability to act on suggestions, although if you do choose to act on suggestions, it may feel like things are happening on their own.
When you listen to your recording, you are putting yourself back into a state of self-hypnosis so it’s very important that you are NOT driving or walking while listening to it. There are people who like to listen to the recording while lying in bed and drifting off to sleep and this is absolutely fine.
Many times a day, our brain moves into a state of hypnosis and back out of it again. There are different levels of hypnosis that are reached through brain waves. There are 5 types of brain wave frequencies (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma) and each frequency has its own set of characteristics representing a specific level of brain activity and a unique state of consciousness. The Alpha brain wave is the one that commonly is accessed throughout the day without us being aware of it, for example when you find yourself daydreaming, staring off into nothing while lost in thought, when you ‘zone out’ or when you are driving the car, and suddenly realise that you are at your destination, but don’t remember how you got there. In the Alpha state of hypnosis, you are still aware of your surroundings but feel very relaxed and calm. There are also deeper states of hypnosis found in Theta, Delta and Gamma, but none of these states are ever permanent. There is no danger of getting ‘stuck’ in hypnosis. If for some reason, you needed to emerge from hypnosis in case of emergency, you would easily be able to do so. Even in the deepest state, just like being woken up from a deep sleep, you can move into different brain waves at any time if there is a need.

The recording is essential to lasting changes. The neuroplasticity in the brain allows for new neural networks to be formed through repetition and that is why it’s really very important to find time to listen to the recording. Listening to the recording is part of your dedication to making the changes in your life and wellbeing. The recording will never be longer than 20 min and it can be done first thing in the morning while waking, on a quick break or even when falling asleep. Even if it seems hard, it’s helpful to find out what some of the things are that we CAN say no to, in order to make it possible to say YES to other things. Making time for change will benefit you in ways that make it worthwhile.

People who hear of the RTT® method, but have not experienced it for themselves, sometimes think it sounds similar to Neuro-Linguistic Processing (NLP). It’s true that both NLP and RTT® can teach you how to better dialogue with your mind, and understand the difference between what your subconscious and conscious mind believe. However, RTT® has the added—and crucial—benefit of also directly accessing the root cause and fixing whatever blocks may be there. It has the addition of ‘The Transformation’ (the personalized and tailored recording for each client), developed by Marisa Peer herself. Using specific Rapid Transformational Therapy® methods, clients are able to reach breakthroughs that would not be possible with other techniques.

“To all the people who are feeling lost, broken, and disconnected, this is a way to become a better version of ourselves in order to live life the way we wanted.”

Margo, Germany